From the time I was a young child until I went to college I spent every Sunday afternoon 'creating' with my Grandma and two aunts. I would listen to them gossip about the goings on in our small town in upstate NY while we painted, crocheted, made doll houses or created creatures out of household items. Whatever we decided to build or create each week, it was always inspired.  I learned the value of collaboration and how working with others who share a common goal can give birth to something unexpected and great.

I graduated from our small group gatherings on Sunday afternoons to attending Syracuse University where I studied Surface Pattern Design, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. I will never forget my very first 'ah ha' moment when I stumbled across some of the graduate students' work from the department. I knew immediately that surface pattern was what I wanted to study. That degree led me to a career in textile design.

This website is to showcase some of my hand paintings, drawings and textile patterns.